Daily News: A New Wave of Single Malt Whiskies, Cuba’s Oldest Beer Revived


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Adding to the countrywide outcry over North Carolina’s new public bathroom law, Ashville’s Wedge Brewing Company has begun protesting the legislation by printing “#F*CK HB2” on the bottoms of their beer cans.

– Single malts, now made around the world from Texas to Taiwan, offer sweeter, nuttier alternatives to those from Scotland at a variety of price points.

La Fuente, an Old School Mexican cantina, has resisted the urge to hike prices over the years, creating a unique atmosphere that attracts all walks of Guadalajara society.

– La Tropical, Cuba’s oldest beer, has been revived in Miami by the original founder’s descendants.

– Finally, Bloomberg reveals six unexpected drinking trends from around the world.

[Photo: Flickr/Rob Brewer]