Daily News: BrewDog Offers Paid Leave for Puppy Owners, The New International Brewers to Know


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Aaron Goldfarb highlights a new wave of international brewers drawing from American styles.

– BrewDog is offering a week of paid leave for employees with new puppies or rescue dogs.

– After losing a Super Bowl bet with Boston Beer, a brewery in Atlanta has created a beer that pays homage to the New England Patriots.

Trump Winery has applied for temporary visas to bring in foreign workers to tend their vineyards.

– Popular Mechanics spotlights One Eight distillery in Washington, D.C.

– Finally, a Soviet-era winery in Ukraine is not thwarted by the unrest in the region.

[Photo: Flickr/Christer Edvartsen]