Daily News: David Schwimmer on Wine, The Dispute Over Havana Club

Havana Club

Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– In preparation for his next role as a restaurateur, David Schwimmer gets an education in wine.

– A decades-old dispute over who owns the rights to the Havana Club name has reignited between Pernod Ricard and Bacardi in anticipation of the reopening of the American market to the Cuban brand.

– Having tapped into the growing market for bulk wine, Spain is reckoning with the impact of overproduction on both the price and reputation of its wine.

– With spring in full bloom, The New York Times suggests garnishing your drink with fresh flowers.

– Finally, The Washington Post asks whether quality can be sustained as smaller wineries are bought by popular brands.

[Photo: Flickr/Alessandro Prada]

Tagged: havana club