Daily News: Italy’s Forgotten Aperitivo, The Breakout Breweries of 2017


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Senator Jeff Woodburn of New Hampshire has proposed halting the import of Russian vodka in response to their role in the recent hacking.

– Aaron Goldfarb predicts which breweries are primed for a breakout year in 2017.

Martin Cate has partnered with Virgin Atlantic to serve Smuggler’s Cove drinks and Whitechapel food on the airline’s Upper Class Clubhouse.

– Imbibe visits Paul McGee’s vintage spirits mecca, the Milk Bar in Chicago.

– A group of bat-friendly tequila producers has rescued the long-nosed bat from the endangered species list by allowing their agave to flower naturally before harvesting.

– San Francisco’s Trick Dog commissioned 14 large-scale murals around the city, which they subsequently photographed and turned into the latest drinks menu.

– Finally, Giuseppe Gallo shares his thoughts on the forgotten Italian aperitivo, rosolio.

[Photo: Flickr/davef3138]