Daily News: Japan’s Hangover Industry, Biggest Bar Trends of 2016

California vineyard

Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– While the hop industry is expanding in many parts of the U.S. following the craft beer boom, Illinois maintains only 30 acres of the crop.

– Tales of the Cocktail shares the biggest bar trends of 2016, from low ABV cocktails to ingredients with a backstory.

– In Japan, the market for hangover cures represents a $178 million industry and includes products such as beef liver, persimmon and freshwater clams.

Illinois is cracking down on illegal alcohol imports with a new bill targeted at the unlawful transportation and resale of booze.

– Finally, in Modesto, California, Gallo Winery uses 11 percent of the district’s electricity supply, but only accounts for 6 percent of the district’s electricity revenue, relying on local taxpayers to make up the difference.

[Photo: Flickr/Travis Wise]