Daily News: Monastic Beer, Drew Barrymore’s New Rosé

Monastic Beer

Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

Iceland’s answer to beer pong involves riding a horse with a full mug of beer in one hand without spilling.

– In Italy, monks have begun brewing and exporting beer, a deviation from the longstanding tradition of producing monastic wine.

– The practice of distilling beer into spirits, namely, whiskey and gin, is gaining global momentum.

Drew Barrymore has collaborated with Kris Kato of California’s Carmel Road Winery on a new rosé for the actress’s wine line.

– Finally, for the craft of journalism, Jackson Connor tucks into a bottle of Drake’s whiskey, Virginia Black, while listening to Drake.

[Photo: Flickr/Quinn Dombrowski]