Daily News: Nazi Wine Cellar Discovered, John Legend’s Wine Venture

wine cellar

Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Construction workers in Russia (literally) fell upon a World War II-era Nazi wine cellar—and immediately began downing the goods.

– In Israel, winemakers in search of cooler, elevated growing sites look to the West Bank.

– Vintners in Thailand are disproving the traditional view that wine grapes can only be grown within certain latitudinal parameters, producing wine 1,700 kilometers beyond these boundaries.

John Legend discusses his latest wine venture in partnership with Jean-Charles Boisset.

– Saveur shines a spotlight on French aperitifs, which are commonly overshadowed by their Italian counterparts.

– Canadian vintner, François Morissette, aims to put Ontario’s wine on the map.

– The enforcement of the French Rural Code, which states that grape harvesters must be provided with adequate accommodation, has Champagne producers in a bind.

– Rudyard Kipling, author of The Jungle Book, also inspired the Night in Old Mandalay cocktail.

– Finally, using a high-tech reactor rather than barrels, a South Carolina distillery claims it can age booze the equivalent of twenty years in less than a week.

[Photo: Flickr/Stewart Butterfield]