Daily News: Smuggler’s Cove Founder Talks Tiki, Edible Booze Bubbles


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

A former bartender at Williamsburg’s Nita Nita reflects on the beloved neighborhood spot as it shuts its doors after ten years.

The whiskeys produced by Marianne Barnes at Castle & Key Distillery rely on restored 1930s-era fermenters and Kentucky-grown grain and corn.

– Kernel Brewery lands somewhere between the orthodoxy of British brews and the overly experimental nature of American craft beers.

– Smuggler’s Cove founder, Martin Cate, talks rum, hospitality and starting a tiki bar from scratch.

– Finally, thanks to a new invention, any liquid can be turned into edible bubbles.

[Photo: Flickr/Sam Howzit]