Daily News: Toby Cecchini Embraces the Cosmopolitan, Drinking Games Around the World


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Aaron Goldfarb spotlights 10 drinking games from around the globe, from Japan’s Ping Pong Pang to Australia’s Goon of Fortune.

– The ancient sour style of Flanders red beer has established a strong foothold in American bars.

Shake, Stir, Sip is Kara Newman’s ode to the effortless equal parts cocktail.

– After years of shirking credit for the creation of the Cosmopolitan, Toby Cecchini has finally embraced it.

– Finally, wine and tea geeks went head-to-head in a reinterpretation of the ancient Tang Dynasty text, The Dialogue of Wine and Tea.

[Photo: Flickr/Ralph Daily]