
Matthew Belanger, Death & Co. | New York City

Matthew Belanger’s Garuda reads like the Loaded Tecate by way of Japan. Rather than splashing hot sauce over the surface of the can, he dips it in shichimi togarashi, a piquant Japanese spice blend. The execution is simple enough: dip, open, sip. Once there’s enough space, Belanger recommends pouring in one ounce (“or more if you’re brave”) of Japanese single malt.


Serving: 1

  • 1 can watermelon beer, preferably 21st Amendment Hell or High Watermelon
  • 1 can watermelon beer, preferably 21st Amendment Hell or High Watermelon
  • 1 ounce Japanese single malt, preferably Hakushu 12 year
  • 1 ounce Japanese single malt, preferably Hakushu 12 year
  • schichimi togarashi, for rimming
  • schichimi togarashi, for rimming
  • lime wedge
  • lime wedge

  1. Rub the rim of the beer can with the lime wedge.
  2. Dip the can into the shichimi, open and sip.
  3. Pour in Japanese whiskey.