Airport Bars Get Into the Fancy Cocktail Game

The New York Times reports on a new wave of airport bars that has begun to offer a level of excellence on par with that of cities proper. These venues—which feel as if they just happen to be in airports—cater to weary travelers who have, “the possibility of an interesting drink to help soothe all the headaches.” Ice Dishes and Drinks at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago is equipped with 24 varieties of vodka while One Flew South at Atlanta International Airport attempts to reintroduce elegance to air travel with a well-edited list of classic cocktails. Then there is the collaboration between Brooklyn Brewery and OTG (an airport food operator that runs 200 outlets in 10 airports). This movement comes at a time of increased partnerships between prominent restauranteurs and airports (such as Andrew Carmellini at LaGuardia Airport and Danny Meyer at JFK Airport). We’re not sure if we’d schedule a longer layover just to hang out at one of these spots (as some do, according to the bartender at One Flew South) but it’s certainly a welcome improvement. [The New York Times]