BUI: Breastfeeding Under the Influence

Think fast: You’re in a restaurant and you see a woman breastfeeding while simultaneously drinking. What do you do? Risk offending the mother, or ignore the situation all together? Confronted with this very situation, a waitress at an Arkansas restaurant took it upon herself to call the police on a patron who was simultaneously consuming alcohol and breastfeeding her six-month-old baby.

ABC News‘s “20/20” covers the controversial drinking incident. The details are disputed, but the mother, Tasha Adams, claims to have had two beers with food over an hour and a half, while the waitress, who was off-duty, describes seeing several Long Island iced tea glasses in front of the nursing woman at a “rowdy” table.  Despite a law banning drinking while breastfeeding, Adams was arrested and, one week later, the waitress was fired. The full story will air this Friday.

ABC‘s Dr. Jennifer Ashton explains that, “surprisingly little research has been done on drinking while nursing,” but suggests mothers give their infants baby formula (or stored milk) if drinking more than one drink in a night. [ABC News]