Daily News: Ancient Incan Corn Beer, Is Guinness Considered “Craft”?


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

Chicha de jora, a fermented corn beer dating back to the ancient Incan empire, can still be procured in Peru’s Sacred Valley.

– Earlier this year, Italy surpassed France as the largest wine producer, yet their wine consumption has fallen to a record low and tallies in well below beer-drinking Germany.

– Ethan Fixell argues that the legendary beer brand, Guinness, defies easy categorization and cannot comfortably be denied the “craft” classification.

– Wine Enthusiast investigates the persistent rumors of a looming whiskey shortage, suggesting alternatives for whiskey drinkers whose favorite brands might be facing short supply.

– Finally, in Verona, disputes have broken out over who owns the rights to the great wine-producing name, Amarone.

[Photo: Flickr/[puamelia]]

Tagged: France, Guinness, Italy