Daily News: Bakers and Brewers Clash Over Grain, Thomas Jefferson’s Wine Purchases


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– With the craft beer movement ever on the rise, bakers and brewers are increasingly in competition for quality grain.

Giacomo Rallo, founder of Italy’s Donnafugata winery, died this morning.

– Munchies interviews the 70-year-old publican who has worked at London’s The Golden Heart pub for over three decades, serving celebrities, nuns and everyone in between.

Thomas Jefferson’s meticulous records of wine purchases between the years 1791 and 1803 have been digitized, including his order of 100 bottles of Champagne for $172.50.

– In The Washington Post, Tom Acitelli declares Budweiser the worst contender for rebranding itself “America.”

– Fetzer Vineyards in California has adopted earthworms as part of their winemaking approach, using them to clean up their wastewater amidst drought.

– As American craft pilsners multiply, Serious Eats highlights some standout bottles.

– Finally, micro mezcal distilleries are increasingly marginalized as the Mexican spirit goes mainstream, and are often forced to label their product by a different name.

[Photo: Flickr: Marc Di Luzio]