Daily News: Bangkok’s Mezcal Craze, Happy Hour in Tokyo


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Although mezcal was nearly unheard of in Bangkok even a year ago, the agave spirit now has a dedicated following within the city.

Perry, or pear cider, is finding a new audience in America where its close relative apple cider is the fastest growing segment in the U.S. alcohol market.

Blending is the dirty secret of the whiskey world, but one Utah distillery is staking its name on it.

– Two unheard-of grapes are competing as China begins to develop its signature wine style.

– In Tokyo, happy hour often includes a bottle of Hoppy paired with a shot of shochu, a spirit that ranks above sake in popularity.

– A recent panel on the Supreme Court’s food culture revealed that a large part of the justices’ civility stems from shared meals and good wine.

– Winemakers in Monterey County are embracing new grape choices to represent the region.

– Finally, Roads and Kingdoms samples the fares of Chile’s “crazy pisco maker”.

[Flickr: Photo/Darij & Ana]

Tagged: cider, mezcal, pisco