Daily News: Exploring Pyongyang’s Beer Halls, Heineken Began Rumor That Corona Contained Urine


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– In response to Corona’s growing U.S. market share in the 1980s, Heineken started a widespread rumor that the light beer was made from urine.

– In the South African ritual known as umbuyiso, the Xhosa people prepare a traditional beer made from maize to be shared with all the guests.

– A Munchies correspondent reports on the experience of drinking at Pyongyang’s beer halls and sampling the seven beers on offer.

– In light of Yuengling’s endorsement of Trump, Tom Acitelli offers his views on why beer and politics shouldn’t mix.

Budweiser is looking to grow its market in developing countries, as American beer drinkers turn their attention towards craft brewers.

– Finally, one writer responds to Anthony Bourdain’s distaste for the craft beer experience.

[Photo: Flickr/Jirka Matousek]