Daily News: George Washington’s Beer Recipe, China Sends Grapevines to Space


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

Synthetic alcohol that claims to prevent hangovers and liver damage is currently being tested in the U.K.

– Blue Point Brewing Company has developed beer from a 1757 recipe penned by George Washington.

– Jeff Morgenthaler asks why television so poorly reflects the state of cocktail culture in 2016.

China has sent a selection of cabernet sauvignon, merlot and pinot noir vines to space in the hopes of producing mutations capable of withstanding global warming.

– Munchies visits American Keg, the only beer keg manufacturer in the United States.

– In an effort to conserve both bats and the wild agave that they pollinate, conservationist Rodrigo Medellín is pushing for bat-friendly tequila brands.

– Finally, after moving from Pakistan, where prohibition is in full effect, one writer readjusts to the novelty of procuring alcohol legally.

[Photo: Flickr/h080]

Tagged: beer, beer kegs, tequila