Daily News: Wine and Weed Pairings and Justin Bieber’s Shotgunning Fail

justin bieber

Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

Super-premium rum is on the rise, with a more than 400% increase in sales from 2003.

– An English nursery-school teacher was banned from her return flight back to the UK after she opened up a bottle of vodka she had purchased in Duty Free on her outbound flight.

– Though China accounts for a tenth of world beer sales, close competition amongst producers means that they’re having trouble turning a profit.

– Portland hosted the inaugural Tannins & Terpenes wine-and-weed pairing event this past Saturday.

– Finally, Justin Bieber attempted to shotgun a beer in Vegas, and posted a video of it for everyone to enjoy.

[Image: Flickr/Lwp Kommunikacio]