Daily News: Khloe Kardashian Unveils New “Kocktails” Show, Bitters Made Out of Crickets Now Available

Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Khloé Kardashian’s talk show Kocktails with Khloé will debut January 20 and feature drinking games (and a giant Martini glass chair.)

– In 2015, the United States reached a record of 4,144 breweries, topping the previous high set in 1873.

– With Critter Bitters, drinkers can now add the nutty, earthy essence of roasted crickets into their cocktails.

– Williamsburg’s Manila Social Club is serving a $100 doughnut, with Cristal icing, ube mousse filling and 24-karat gold leafing.

– Brewers from North Carolina and Colorado are adding local, wild-grown flavors in the new trend of foraged beer.

–  A South Korean inventor has created Robot Drinky, a toy-bot to take shots with you.

– Finally, here’s what a 130-year-old beer found at the bottom of Halifax Harbor in Nova Scotia tastes like.

 [Photo: Flickr/Disney | ABC Television]