Daily News: Polar Bear Raids Film Crew’s Wine Supply, Beer Bellies Could Be Deadly

polar bear

Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Turkey’s annual raki festival, a celebration of the country’s national drink, has been cancelled due to complaints from Islamic groups.

– A British man who had been arrested in Saudi Arabia in August of 2014 for possessing illegal homemade wine has finally been released from jail and returned home.

– A film crew in Norway had their cabin raided by a polar bear, who managed get into a case of red wine.

– A new study reveals that having a beer belly may actually be more harmful to your health than being generally overweight.

– This year may have seen record highs in Italy’s Prosecco supply, but that doesn’t mean the wine will be getting cheaper.

– Canada’s Labatt Breweries has entered an agreement to buy Mike’s Hard Lemonade and Okanagan Cider in a $350 million dollar deal.

[Photo: Flickr/Christopher Michel]