Daily News: Powdered Craft Beer, Pot-Infused Wine


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

T Magazine examines the allure of natural wines as they garner attention from top-tier restaurants nationwide.

– Christoph Keller, a former art-book publisher, imbues art and design into every detail of Stählemühle’s brandies.

– California’s first commercially available pot-infused wine hints at marijuana’s growing presence in the food and beverage industry.

– Aaron Goldfarb highlights the seven beers that defined America from the 1930s to today.

Brexit offers a boon to English winemakers as the devaluation of Sterling attracts non-European trade.

– Denmark’s To Øl brewery is in the process of refining a powdered form of instant craft beer.

– Finally, Fortune tells the story of Jim Koch, who changed the beer industry with the production of Sam Adams.

[Photo: Flickr/Alan Levine]