Daily News: Presidential Brandy, France Leads in Whiskey Consumption


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– New data reveals an 80 percent increase in the production of flavored beers—such as those with grapefruit, lemon and watermelon—over the last five years.

– An impressive collection of spirits spanning the terms of the first 39 U.S. presidents (including Cognac and Armagnac produced during the tenure of every president, from George Washington to Jimmy Carter) will go to auction in April.

– Pét-Nat, a sommelier favorite, faces challenges entering the mainstream for a variety of reasons, among them, its drastic variation between vintages.

– Some Burger King restaurants are now selling American beer alongside their burgers in Britain.

– France leads the world in whiskey consumption, drinking 2.15 liters per person annually.

[Photo: Flickr/Zach Marzouk]