Daily News: Starbucks Launches New “Latte Macchiato,” George Costanza-Themed Bar Opens in Melbourne


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Starbucks is launching a new drink they’re calling the “latte macchiato.”

– Mexico’s month-long holiday party, Guadalupe Reyes, is also an opportunity to drink some of the most unique micheladas out there.

– Over the next year, all wholesalers of alcohol in the UK will be required to register with the HMRC inspection body, to ensure compliance with tax laws.

– Following recent decommunisation laws in Ukraine, items with names that reference communism—such as a traditional “Soviet Champagne” enjoyed for New Year’s celebrations—are to be renamed.

– A new study reveals that some wines actually have higher alcohol contents than those listed on the labels.

– Finally, the latest in pop culture-themed drinking dens: a George Costanza bar in Melbourne, Australia.

[Photo: Flickr/Ruben Schade]