Daily News: The Cult of Biodynamic Wine, Surveying Cuba’s Drinking Scene

Grape vines

Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

Many Danish supermarkets are boycotting South African wine in response to the poor working conditions faced by winery employees.

Imbibe surveys the drinking scene in Cuba as diplomatic relations thaw between the U.S. and the island nation.

– In an industrial park of Highway 101, Michael Cruse is livening up California’s sparkling wine scene with his custom-crush facility.

– The Wall Street Journal explores how Molson Coors Brewing has thrived in a market increasingly defined by brand consolidation.

The first commercial delivery by self-driving truck consisted of 2,000 cases of Budweiser.

– Finally, The New York Times spotlights the “cult” of biodynamic wine in Italy.

[Photo: Flickr/Stefano Lubiana]