Daily News: Turner Classic Movies Launches Film-Inspired Wine Club, Blue Moon Considered “Craft” Beer

wine club

Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Turner Classic Movies is launching the TCM Wine Club, which will offer original wines inspired by classic films, in addition to a curated selection of other wines.

Drinking on television is on the rise: A dive into how writers have recently been using it as a plot point and character-development tool.

– Beer companies are doubling down on the potential rise of beer drinking in Africa.

– A handy primer on Scotch ales.

– A judge recently threw out a lawsuit saying that there are definable standards as to what constitutes a “craft” beer, meaning that Miller’s Blue Moon could legally be considered craft.

– Finally, according to a release from NASA, a comet near the sun is giving off large amounts of alcohol. Don’t overdo it, space.

[Photo: Flickr/Faisal Akram]