Daily News: Wine Sails to Britain, Mexico’s Natural Wine Revolution


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Richard Hemming explores the positive correlation between money and quality in wine production.

– Natural wine producers in Mexico are promoting the historic grape, misión, as well as a biodynamic approach to winemaking.

The Wall Street Journal debates the effectiveness of “shelf talkers,” the tasting notes that accompany wines in many stores.

– As beer imports are on the rise, local Korean brewers are losing out to big brands.

– Environmental concerns have led one transport company to begin sailing their wine cargo between France and Britain, a move which some say improves the taste of the wine.

– Finally, durability and disposability are encouraging the rise of crowlers, fill-to-order aluminum cans of craft beer, over the traditional glass jugs known as growlers.

[Photo: Flickr/c_ambler]