
Team Lyan | London, UK

In this distant play on the Bramble, Team Lyan’s Brumble calls for “purple sizzurp,” a fruit syrup utilizing gentle heat, which preserves the delicate flavors of the berries.


Serving: 1

  • 1 1/2 ounces dark rum, preferably Bacardi Carta Oro
  • 1 1/2 ounces dark rum, preferably Bacardi Carta Oro
  • 1 1/2 ounces "purple sizzurp" (see Editor's Note)
  • 1 1/2 ounces "purple sizzurp" (see Editor's Note)
  • 1 ounce lemon juice
  • 1 ounce lemon juice

Garnish: lemon thyme

  1. Combine all ingredients in a double rocks glass over crushed ice.
  2. Garnish with a sprig of lemon thyme.
Editor's Note

"Purple Sizzurp":
3 1/2 ounces raspberries
6 ounces hot water
10 1/2 ounces sugar

Combine all ingredients in a jug and blitz using a hand blender. Strain through a sieve, helping the liquid through with a spoon.