Edge of Seventeen 

Alex Anderson, Cure | New Orleans

At Cure, there’s always at least one shrub cocktail on the menu, and Alex Anderson is the de facto shrub queen. “At Cane & Table, the first thing they taught me was to make an orange shrub,” recalls Anderson. “From there, the shrubs I could come up with in my head just got more and more insane.” For the Edge of Seventeen, Anderson incorporates a relatively tame shrub consisting of orange and carrot juices, dill vinegar and turmeric. “The turmeric really brought it all together and made it have that earthy kind of quality that I was hoping for.”


Serving: 1

  • 3/4 ounce carrot shrub (see Editor's Note)
  • 3/4 ounce carrot shrub (see Editor's Note)
  • 4 ounces sparkling wine
  • 4 ounces sparkling wine

  1. Pour the carrot shrub into a chilled coupe.
  2. Top with sparkling wine.
Editor's Note

Carrot Shrub:
2 tablespoons chopped dill
1/2 cup white distilled vinegar
1 cup orange juice
1 cup carrot juice
2 teaspoons tumeric
2 cups sugar

Let the fresh dill sit in the distilled vinegar for 24 hours and set aside. Combine remaining ingredients over heat until the sugar is incorporated, then set aside until it reaches room temperature. Fine strain the vinegar, then add to the orange-carrot mixture.

Tagged: shrub