Pepita Orgeat

Kevin Diedrich, Pacific Cocktail Haven | San Francisco

At Pacific Cocktail Haven, the menu is full of tropical cocktails. While some use traditional orgeat, Kevin Diedrich frequently experiments with a wide variety of syrups–including salted pistachio, macadamia nuts and roasted pepitas (pumpkin seeds)—to expand the flavor profile possibilities. He typically combines this pepita syrup in a colorful drink with blanco tequila, pumpkin purée and citrus: “We found the tequila works really well with pepitas,” says Diedrich.


Yield: 12 ounces

  • 4 ounces pepitas (punkpkin seeds)
  • 4 ounces pepitas (punkpkin seeds)
  • 8 ounces water
  • 8 ounces water
  • 8 ounces sugar
  • 8 ounces sugar

  1. Blend pepitas to a powder.
  2. With blender on low, slowly add water.
  3. Once the water is fully incorporated, slowly add sugar.
  4. Strain through coffee filter.