Daily News: Saving Britain’s Pubs, The History of Celebrity Spirits Spokesmen


Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– In response to the continuing closure of Britain’s pubs, the London borough of Wandsworth has given 120 of them protected status.

– In a move that mirrors the trajectory of the craft beer industry, large spirit brands are increasingly acquiring craft distilleries.

– An Armenian cave complex housing 6,100-year-old fermenting vats represents one of the oldest known winemaking sites.

Beer drinkers are finding themselves in an endless chase for the latest beers as craft breweries roll out ever-larger portfolios.

– As Matthew McConaughey assumes his role as creative director of Wild Turkey, The Daily Beast looks at the history of celebrity spirits spokesmen.

– Yazan Karadsheh is one of a growing number of Arab brewers seeking to establish a craft beer scene in the Muslim-majority Levant.

– Finally, Bon Appétit considers what defines a “house wine.”

[Photo: Flickr/Eric Huybrechts]