Daily News: Dogfish Head Makes Hoppiest Beer Ever, British Socialite Brings Grocery Store Beer to Party

Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

– Brisbane-based Good Beer Company is putting at least half of their profits toward saving the Great Barrier Reef.

– The FDA’s new mandate to include calorie counts on menus could cost microbreweries that distribute to restaurants a lot of money.

– Japan’s growing market for wine happens to also include a flourishing trend towards wine baths.

– Dogfish Head Brewery is releasing what will be “the hoppiest beer ever documented through scientific analysis,” coming in at 658 IBUs.

– In an effort to curb underage drinking, Malaysia plans to up their official drinking age from 18 to 21.

– New studies have found that mixing alcohol with diet sodas actually increases breath alcohol levels.

– You might see little more rye whiskey than bourbon on the table this holiday season.

– Finally, Lady Colin Campbell, who ranks among Britain’s most entertaining socialites, scandalized party guests by bringing a four pack of Tesco brand lager to a high-society bash.

[Photo: Flickr/Arvind Grover]