Daily News: Stars Wars-Themed Bar Opens in Manchester, Welch’s Joins Forces with Manischewitz

star wars

Your daily dose of news and happenings from around the drink-o-sphere:

Welch’s is joining forces with Manischewitz to create a certified kosher grape juice.

– A Star Wars-themed bar where you can grab a pint of blue milk has opened up in Manchester, in the UK.

– Washington D.C.’s Metro is making steps towards allowing alcohol advertising in the transit system for the first time in decades.

– Some in the UK are worried about how the relaxation of alcohol tax policies will affect the number of liver-disease related deaths.

Jose Cuervo has parted ways with the ad agency that sent a margarita into space.

– Finally, if the regular old chocolate Advent calendar doesn’t cut it for you, Drinks by the Dram has one filled with a range of different spirits.

[Photo: Flickr/Gordon Tarpley]