Discolo’s Pornstar Martini

Matthew Reysen | New York City

At Discolo, an ’80s-inspired cocktail club in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood, beverage director Matthew Reysen takes a high-concept approach to the Pornstar Martini, uniting the bubbles and the cocktail into a single clarified drink. “I wanted to make the drink more about the bubbles and give you a cocktail that was like you were drinking a glass of Champagne, but also tasted like a Pornstar Martini,” says Reysen, who was inspired by London bartender Chris Moore’s signature Champagne Piña Colada, a more sophisticated take on the classic boat drink that includes coconut sorbet and Champagne.


Serving: 1

  • 1 1/2 ounces Pornstar Milk Punch (see Editor’s Note)
  • 1 1/2 ounces Pornstar Milk Punch (see Editor’s Note)
  • 3 1/2 ounces Champagne
  • 3 1/2 ounces Champagne

Garnish: quartered fresh passion fruit

  1. Build the drink in a flute.
  2. To garnish, rest a quarter of a fresh passion fruit atop the flute.
Editor's Note

NB: The below recipe yields approximately 2.5 liters, but can be scaled down.

Pornstar Milk Punch
625 milliliters vodka, preferably Absolut
500 milliliters vanilla syrup (see Editor’s Note)
300 milliliters passion fruit pulp
250 milliliters lime juice
200 milliliters white rum, preferably Copalli
125 milliliters blanc vermouth
500 milliliters whole milk

1. Add all ingredients except the milk to a large container.
2. Slowly pour milk into the mixture.
3. Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours.
4. After 24 hours, strain the mixture through a fine cheesecloth (or other cloth, such as chef’s coats or superfine linens). Repeat as
needed, straining until the mixture is completely clear.

Vanilla Syrup
500 grams white sugar
250 milliliters water
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla paste

Add all ingredients to a vacuum-sealed bag. Cook sous vide for 30 minutes at 58°C (136°F). Mix to dissolve all of the sugar. Double fine-strain through a chinois, then bottle, label and store for use.