
The Long Hello

Damon Boelte, the bar director at Brooklyn’s Prime Meats, has an affinity for naming his original drinks after songs, albums and musicians including this autumnal Champagne cocktail.


Yellow Jacket

For weeks, NYC cocktail bar Employees Only had toyed with the idea of mixing together tequila and elderflower liqueur, but there was a piece of the puzzle missing—yellow Chartreuse.

mendo sidecar cocktail

Mendo Sidecar

First created during World War I, this Cognac-based cocktail traditionally had only two other ingredients: Cointreau and lemon juice. This version uses Germain-Robin XO brandy and maraschino liqueur.

jack rose cocktail

Jack Rose

According to David Embury’s The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks, the Jack Rose was, during the mid-20th century, a pillar of basic cocktail-mixing knowledge.



American expatriate Leo Engel was working at the Criterion Hotel in London when he supposedly created the Alabazam, an obscure recipe that appears in his 1878 book American and Other…