Born A Star Martini

Adam Fournier | Los Angeles

Born a Star Pornstar Martini

Adam Fournier wanted to incorporate a “uniquely Southern Californian” flavor to the Pornstar Martini, a drink international guests often ordered from him. Mamey sapote, a fruit found in the state as well as in Central America and the Caribbean, supplied that flavor, along with “wonderful texture and weight” that goes well with the brightness of passion fruit and decadent vanilla syrup.


Serving: 1

  • 1/2 ounce vanilla syrup (see Editor’s Note)
  • 1/2 ounce vanilla syrup (see Editor’s Note)
  • 1/2 ounce passion fruit syrup (see Editor’s Note)
  • 1/2 ounce passion fruit syrup (see Editor’s Note)
  • 1/2 ounce mamey sapote syrup (see Editor’s Note)
  • 1/2 ounce mamey sapote syrup (see Editor’s Note)
  • 3/4 ounce fresh lime juice
  • 3/4 ounce fresh lime juice
  • 1 ounce vodka, preferably Ketel One
  • 1 ounce vodka, preferably Ketel One
  • 3 ounces dry sparkling wine, to top
  • 3 ounces dry sparkling wine, to top

Garnish: vanilla-sherry mist, dehydrated lime wheel

  1. Add the first five ingredients to a cocktail shaker and shake hard with ice.
  2. Double-strain into a chilled cocktail coupe.
  3. Top with dry sparkling wine.
  4. Spray vanilla-sherry mist over the drink, and garnish with a dehydrated lime wheel.
Editor's Note

Vanilla Syrup
2 vanilla beans
500 grams hot water
500 grams sugar

1. Split the vanilla beans in half lengthwise, and scrape the seeds from the insides.
2. Steep the scraped vanilla beans and seeds in hot water for 10 minutes, or longer, to taste.
3. Strain out the vanilla, then whisk sugar with the infused water until fully incorporated.
4. Refrigerate in a clean glass container for up to three weeks.

Passion Fruit Syrup
500 grams passion fruit purée
125 grams sugar

1. In a high-speed blender, combine passion fruit and sugar until fully incorporated.
2. Pass through a chinois.
3. Refrigerate in a clean glass container for up to three weeks.

Mamey Sapote Syrup
If mamey sapote is unavailable, mango makes a good replacement.

400 grams mamey sapote, skin and seed(s) removed
800 grams water
sugar, by weight

1. In a high-speed blender, combine the mamey sapote and water until fully incorporated.
2. Pass through a chinois and weigh the resulting mixture.
3. Add an equal amount of sugar, by weight, to the mixture. Return to the blender and process on high until fully incorporated.
4. Refrigerate in a clean glass container for up to three weeks.

Vanilla-Sherry Mist
10 ml vanilla extract
90 ml fino sherry

1. Combine in a mixing glass and stir until fully incorporated.
2. Transfer to a mister, and refrigerate.